Pumpkin Pickles

Pumpkin Pickles | My Edible JourneyNo, I am not retracting my comment on pumpkin spice everything.  But what can I say?  It’s that time of year.  When you’re buying local produce in Niagara in October, there is a gloriously obvious bounty of pumpkins and squashes to be had.  Rich in fibre and vitamin A, and useful in everything from soups to sides to dessert, they really are a fabulous food to take advantage of.

But pickles?

I can explain.  Some years ago I came upon a cookbook, simply titled “The Thanksgiving Cookbook,” by a woman named Holly Garrison.  It has no pictures.  Not a one, save for a few rudimentary drawings of how to carve various meats and set a table.  It does, however, have what I love.  Stories.  Each recipe has a little story with it.  No more than a paragraph, but enough to draw me in.  I pull it out and read it cover to cover every October (bearing in mind again, dear readers, that Thanksgiving in Canada is this weekend).  It covers everything, from appetizers, soups and salads, to sauces, pickles, chutneys, sides, mains…  There are breads and desserts, too.  And each with a little story.

Can someone explain this?

Pumpkin Pickle Ingredients| My Edible JourneyHaving read this book many, many times, I am no closer, however, to understanding some of the salads, sauces and sides.  This is an American cookbook, so obviously it will represent aspects of American culture.  But what is the deal with sweet things with the meal?  Jellied salads, candy-sweet poached apples, MARSHMALLOWS?  I will never, ever understand adding marshmallows and/or copious amounts of sugar to a starch that is already plenty sweet.  That said, the condiment section has always intrigued me.  Spiced seckel pears, gingery apple relish, curried peaches, and pumpkin pickles.

Diving in

Pumpkin | My Edible JourneyI decided to go beyond the “safe” recipes that I’ve already tried and test out this interesting option.  We bought a pumpkin on the weekend (*note – when buying pumpkins to eat, get one that’s heavy for it’s size, lest yours be dry and stringy like mine)  and I knew I wanted to make some puree for other recipes.  But I also knew that I’d only make a small batch of these pickles anyway.  So about a third of a 5lb pumpkin went into the pickling liquid.  The rest went into the crock pot, peel and all.  A few hours later it was perfectly tender and peeled very easily.  Score!

Pumpkin Pickles

This recipe is an adaptation of the one in the book.  I found that I used far less pumpkin and all of the liquid.  I also changed the spices a little, adding…. yep, coriander.  And black pepper, and omitting the orange zest, which would probably be lovely, but I had none.Pumpkin Pickles in Salad | My Edible JourneyHalf a small pumpkin, peeled and cubed (about 3 cups)
1 2/3 cups sugar (I opted for dark brown)
3/4 cups cider vinegar
1 cup water
2 cinnamon sticks, broken
8 whole cloves
1 teaspoon coriander seeds, lightly crushed
6 black peppercorns
1/4 teaspoon ground allspice
1/4 teaspoon Kosher salt

Combine the sugar, vinegar and water in a medium saucepan over medium-high heat. If you’re smart, you’ll put the whole spices into a spice bag, or square of cheesecloth. I didn’t. Be smart. Add the spices to the liquid and bring to a boil. Simmer for 5 minutes before adding the pumpkin.

Simmering Pumpkin Pickles | My Edible JourneyBring the mixture back to a boil and reduce the heat. Simmer for another 10-15 minutes, stirring gently, until the pumpkin is just tender, but not at all mushy. I left mine with a little bite.

Remove the pumpkin to a bowl and bring the sauce back to a boil. Reduce until about one cup remains. Let it cool to room temperature and pour it over the pumpkin, tossing to coat (it will be thick, and don’t forget to remove the spice bag which you wisely opted to use).

Ladle into a jar with a tight fitting lid and refrigerate. The pickles will keep for about a month. Their sweet/sour spiciness pairs well with cheeses or in a salad with nuts and mixed greens.

12 thoughts on “Pumpkin Pickles

  1. Pingback: The Great Pumpkin Recipe Roundup – Part 1 | Food Bloggers of Canada

  2. Susan

    This recipe looks great, and I love your post thank you. I’m thinking about doing a Harry Potter themed stall at our local pumpkin festival. I’d sell Pumpkin pasties and other goodies.

    I’m thinking about making a chicken and ham pie in the style of a traditional English picnic pie, like a pork pie but made with chicken and ham mince with a few herbs and spices. It would be served cold and would include the savoury jelly found in a traditional pork pie. I’m wondering if I could come up with a pumpkin pickle to serve with a slice of said pie. Do you have any inkling that your pumpkin pickle recipe might work well as the basis for such an accompaniment?

  3. M E Cheshier

    Hi I just discovered your blog! I love it. I tried contacting you via myediblejourney at hotmail. But had no luck. I was wondering if I could use your pic on my recipe site from the post Pickled Pumpkins. I will definitely give credit and a link back to your post. The post will be for canning pumpkin with honey and spices.
    Warm Regards

    1. Mama B Post author

      Oh. So strange that you couldn’t get to me via hotmail. So glad you persisted.
      Yes, you may use the image with credit & link back. Thanks for asking. Please share your link with me. I love finding new blogs.

      1. M E Cheshier

        Hi Susan, I was just trying to get permission to use a pic on this post. I am glad you responding. I love your blog!

  4. Pingback: Thanksgiving Impressive Side Dishes With Flavor | Sherriff Goslin Blog

  5. Pingback: Roasted Pumpkin with Goat Cheese, Thyme and Sage – Vintage Kitchen

  6. Pingback: Roasted Pumpkin with Goat Cheese, Thyme and Sage - Vintage Kitchen

  7. Pingback: 31 Delicious And Creative Recipes You Need To Try Before Winter | The Social Magazine

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